Yeah, yeah, like I didn’t have enough to do. I know.
Both anthologies are from MLR Press

Blood Claim is due out in January. I’ll be keeping company with Laura Baumbach and Angela Fiddler.
This volume features a trio of M/M tales from three of the genre’s hottest authors.
Winner Takes All by Laura Baumbach — Two vampires face off in a deadly bet that has the winner claiming everything the loser owns–including the loser’s innocent, unaware human offspring.
Gift of the Raven by Angela Fiddler — Cory has always been mercurial; passionate one second and frozen the next, but when he was hot, he was scorching. Luke had brought him up as a vampire but couldn’t keep him the first time around. But now evil’s come on an arctic wind, and they’ll need each other to fight it.
Wolfe’s Recluse by Jet Mykles — Can Wolfe lure Matt out of his apartment for the first time in two years? Is the gorgeous Wolfe temptation enough for Matt to overcome his fear of vampires?

The other is brand new and not even up on the site yet. It’ll be called Hot Comforts and will be about hot manlove and food. I believe it’s slated for a fall release.
More info as I know it!
Congrats!!! For both the two new anthos and for being an EPPIE finalist!!!!