Tag Archives: bandslash

#MusicMonday #bandslash blog tour – interview with Piper Vaughn & Mj O’shea

And now, for the #bandslash tour, I’m hosting Piper Vaughn & MJ O’Shea who’re talking about book 3 in the Lucky Moon series, Moonstruck.

(NOTE: I’ve included links to the YouTube videos in case the embedding doesn’t work).


Author links

Piper: http://pipervaughn.com

MJ: http://mjoshea.com


Five about the authors

1. Who are you, and where do you come from?

Piper Vaughn. I grew up in Chicago, IL and live in a suburb about 30 minutes outside of the city right now. My co-author, MJ O’Shea, is from Washington State.


2. What inspires you?

Everything. It sounds like a generic answer, but it’s true. Everything in my day to day life inspires my writing—music, movies, the news, other books, seeing something at the grocery store, overhearing a conversation. The list goes on and on. 🙂


3. Describe your writing style in three words:

Sexy. Sweet. Romantic. Continue reading #MusicMonday #bandslash blog tour – interview with Piper Vaughn & Mj O’shea