Thanks to those who voted for me!

Best Paranormal Book 2009:
Runner Up: Dark Elves 6: Awakening (Jet Mykles-Loose Id)
Best Erotic Book 2009:
Runner Up: Dark Elves 6: Awakening (Jet Mykles-Loose Id)
Best GBLT Author 2009:
Honorable Mention: Jet Mykles
Best Series 2009:
Honorable Mention: Dark Elves (Jet Mykles-Loose Id)

Thanks to the lovely people at LoveRomances Cafe who’ve nominated me for awards in a few of their Best of 2009 categories!
Best Paranormal Book: Dark Elves 6: Awakening
Best Erotic Book 2009: Dark Elves 6: Awakening
Best GBLT Author 2009
Best Series 2009: Dark Elves
Voting rules are here. You’ll probably need to be logged into the LRC loop to read this message.
Official site for author Jet Mykles