Released by MLR Press January 2008

- ISBN-10: 193453109X
- ISBN-13: 978-1934531099
Pairing: m/m
Warning: bondage
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MLR Press page for print anthology
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Anthology NOOK and print at Barnes & Noble
I share this anthology with a few authors who are not only friends but are also awesome storytellers. This is also my first offering from MLR Press and I have great hopes for the future there.
Noah has never had a problem getting dates, but he didn’t realize until recently that he was dissatisfied. It takes a few mysterious gifts and notes from an anonymous admirer to show him that he was missing something.
Now this anonymous man wants to meet and ups the ante by giving Noah a collar before their first date. Can Noah trust the man’s intentions?
©2008 Jet Mykles, all rights reserved
I’d love to smell the lemon soap on your gorgeous skin when I arrive at 7:00PM sharp. Light the candles around the room and turn off the rest of the lights.
When I walk in, I want to see you sitting on this chair wearing the pajamas with the plug in your ass. The blindfold is to be on, so that you can’t see. I will check.
If you’re not wearing the blindfold when I walk in, game over.
Noah set down the note and held the scarf in his hands, twisting it so that his wrists were momentarily pinned. He brought the fabric to his nose, hoping to catch a whiff of the man who had given it. Nothing.
He closed his eyes, hearing the warnings echo through his head. Richard was not the only one to point out how dangerous this was. All of his friends would flip to know what had been demanded in the note, let alone that Noah was considering complying. Did he dare do this?
He opened his eyes and looked down, focusing on the butt plug. Every note from the mystery man had been short but solicitous. Gifts were given with Noah’s likes in mind. Even if the man was a stalker, it didn’t seem likely that he was a dangerous one.
And chances like this did not occur to everyone and certainly never happened more than once in a lifetime.
He smiled. Yes, he did dare.
Plucking the soap out of the box, he took it to the bathroom. A glance at the clock told him he had almost an hour to get ready. He’d already taken a shower before coming, but clearly the lemon-scented soap had some significance to the man. Or the man knew that citrus scents were his favorite.
He couldn’t stop grinning, watching himself as he pulled his straight hair out of the tail at the nape of his neck. Deftly, he used the hair band to twist it all on top of his head. He toed out of his shoes and got out of his slacks, socks and underwear. The nipple chains dangled deliciously across his chest as he unbuttoned the yellow silk shirt. Dropping the shirt atop the rest of his clothing, he laughed at his half erect cock and gave it a fond stroke. “Soon, I hope,” he promised it.
He took his time with the shower, letting the hot water ease some of the nervous tension from his muscles. The soap filled the steam with its tart scent as he laved it over his skin.
He was getting hard now, thinking of what might happen. Why must he be blindfolded? What did the mystery man have in mind? He considered jerking off. After all, his anonymous admirer hadn’t told him not to. But he refrained. He didn’t feel like having his own hands tonight, at least not at his own direction. Besides, Noah loved the sense of anticipation.
Out of the shower, he dried himself and used the hotel hair dryer. He suspected the new little hairbrush on the counter was from his secret admirer and used it until his hair practically floated in a yellow-white cloud about his head. Liking how it turned out, he decided to leave it down. Satisfied, he gathered his clothes and returned to the bedroom to lay them on the luggage rack to the far side of the bed. After turning out the lamp, he returned to the main room. The chair beckoned to him and he spent a moment sliding his fingers along the smooth varnish of the back and arm. Experimenting, he pushed at the back and found that the chair was heavy. Delicious ideas of why this was so rolled through Noah’s mind.
Whistling to himself, he set the four candles in the four corners of the room and lit them before turning out off the lamp. Immediately a close, romantic feeling settled over him, the shadows around the room subduing the colors of the furniture and splashy artwork on the pale green walls.
He picked up the lube and the plug. He glanced at the couch and discarded that as the place to sit to do this. So, instead, he stood by the chair and set one foot on the seat. He poured lube over the plug and smeared it on, then held onto the back of the chair with one hand as he used the other to tease himself. He’d done this before. He loved butt plugs and had a small collection of his own in various shapes and sizes. On a lonely night, they served as an excellent mode of stimulation, and on a not-so-lonely night…well, new lovers usually got a kick out of finding a plug in the ass they intended to fuck. He eased the pointed end of the plug into his hole, relaxing and pushing out as the toy stretched him. He couldn’t help a groan, or resist the urge to rub the toy in and out a few times. His dick nodded in appreciation of the pleasure that zinged through him.
A quick trip to the bathroom for a small towel to dry his hands then he was back to shake out the pajama pants and put them on. The silk felt deliciously decadent against his freshly washed skin, not to mention his freshly shaved crotch. Would his soon-to-be lover approve? Too late to worry about that now.
Awash in the warm citrus scent from the candles and his own skin, Noah glanced at the clock. Ten minutes until seven.
Obeying an urge, he went ahead and sat down. He wiggled his ass to jostle the plug, enjoying the rush of pleasure as it rubbed his gland. He lifted the black silk scarf to his eyes. Slowly, drawing out the moment for himself, he tied the scarf around his eyes. The urge to leave peeking room was strong, but he didn’t give in to it. He had a feeling that his unknown lover would check and just might leave if he disobeyed. He wasn’t going to take the chance of losing the man now that he was so close. Not before at least one encounter to give him some feel of who he was. Once the scarf was tied, Noah arranged his hair over it, then sat back in the chair. He placed his heels against the front legs and settled his forearms on the arms.
And waited.
The tension was amazing. He almost gave in and removed the scarf a few times just to check the time. But he resisted. He forced himself to sit still. It made him abnormally aware of himself. The smell of his skin. The waft of heated air on his skin, making his nipples pucker. The black silk warming against his thighs and teasing his hard cock. The firm jelly inside his ass, pressing that spot that would keep him erect and aware.
He heard footsteps in the hallway outside the room and hope surged, only to dwindle to disappointment when the walking continued past the door.
How much time was left?
More footsteps. This time they stopped. The lock clicked and beeped.
The door opened.