Category Archives: f/f/m

EXCERPT – Dark Elves III: Salvation

This entry is part 3 of 7 in the series Dark Elves excerpts

This title is in transition.

©2006 Jet Mykles, all rights reserved

Radin hovered back, allowing other men to vie for Irin’s attention. He watched, amused, as they would gain her attention and slowly step into the shield, only to be shoved back when another snagged her fancy. It was a well-known game, and most of those who took the first try knew they weren’t likely to win. But, by showing an interest, they made themselves known to Hyle, who would likely remember and put them on the list of Irin’s lovers. Also, they helped to fan the flames of Irin’s lust, which spread out to affect the audience.

The initial onslaught subsided in good-natured rivalry as the men jostled for attention. Only one fight broke out, and it was minor. Continue reading EXCERPT – Dark Elves III: Salvation