Category Archives: book/story news

EXCERPT – Dark Elves IV: Dissent

This entry is part 4 of 7 in the series Dark Elves excerpts

This title is in transition.


©2007 Jet Mykles, all rights reserved

Intoxicating warmth stole over her body. Dark and featureless, it crept through her muscles, creating an odd, languid restlessness. She stirred, pushing off the light blanket that covered her. The fabric of her dress irritated her sensitive skin, especially her breasts. Her thighs pressed together over a warmth that pulsed through her groin. She opened her mouth to pull in more air when breathing through her nose wasn’t enough. Her back twisted, arched a little. She moaned softly, yearning, wanting… Continue reading EXCERPT – Dark Elves IV: Dissent

New Covers – Dark Elves and Heaven Sent quickie

Well lookie here!Dark Elves IV: Dissent

Heaven Sent: Sly Spectral TrickI gots not one but TWO covers to show you!

To the left we have a visual on the long awaited Dark Elves IV: Dissent, by yours truly.

To the right, the cover for a little Halloween quickie of Darien and Chris from Faith.

Click on either cover to be taken to the site’s page for more information.

Damn! I’ve got enough books on Loose Id to warrant a “next” link!