
I went to 7-11 just now because we were out of Coca-Cola (my main vice other than writing about sex). I pulled into a parking space and on the post in that protects the side of the building, was a sock on the post. Now, the post was waist high and bright yellow. The sock was a tube sock (luckily, I suppose) and clearly used. No holes but there were worn spots. The sock was stretched down over the pole like a cover.


It made me laugh. Made me wonder why anyone would do that. Where was the other sock? Stuck down someone’s pants, perhaps? I couldn’t think of why someone would do such a thing. Me being me, I started to think if perhaps it was a sign of a secret society (kind of like Ally’s Sinister Starfish). If so, what could the sign mean? Is someone arranging an assignation? Is it a clue to an identity or a place? Or is it a gang/group marking their territory?

I love random stuff like that. It’s harmless, hurts no one and nothing, but it sparks the imagination, even if only for a few minutes. That, to me, is a beautiful thing.

5 thoughts on “Randomness”

  1. Yeah… like over the Golden Gate bridge and seeing an adult in the car next to you in a panda hat– or people wrapping phone poles in knitted scarves. I totally get it:-)

  2. Writing about sex is not a vice!!!

    It is your gift!

    I recently read all but one of the Heaven Sent series and will soon get to the other. Also a recent MS frined add. (bobby718500)

    Look forward to reading more. I totally relate to your characters that are uncertain in ther orientation who end up falling hard for a boy!

    As an amateur musician, being in a relationship with a guy in a band is an awesome thought.

  3. Yes Jet it shows a Drow Orgy, is happening soon
    and you know us Dark Elves LOL all the Gang will be

    1. Dur Pellan: is THAT what it is? Wow, that’s pretty cool. too bad I don’t know the language 😉

      Bobby: So glad the HS books are talking to you. they are certainly meant to be enjoyed. And speaking as someone who’s been in a relationship with a musician for over a decade now… good luck to you lol

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